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40x46 mm Round RLV-3RB with 3 Rubber Batons

40x46 mm Round RLV-3RB with 3 Rubber Batons Image
The 40x46 mm Round RLV-3RB is intended to be fired at distance up to 90 m for aggressive crowd management by Law Enforcement and Corrections. The rounds is designed to be fired from: - Underbarrel Grenade Launchers: ARSENAL UBGL-M family; M203 type, HK 69; etc; - Stand-alone Grenade Launchers: ARSENAL UGGL-M1, HK 69A1; M 79 type ; STAR FN SCAR; M320; etc.; - Multy-shot Grenade Launchers:Arsenal MSGL, Milkor MGL, M32 MGL, etc.

40x46 mm Round RLV-3RB with 3 Rubber Batons

40x46 mm Round RLV-3RB with 3 Rubber Batons Image
The 40x46 mm Round RLV-3RB is intended to be fired at distance up to 90 m for aggressive crowd management by Law Enforcement and Corrections. The rounds is designed to be fired from: - Underbarrel Grenade Launchers: ARSENAL UBGL-M family; M203 type, HK 69; etc; - Stand-alone Grenade Launchers: ARSENAL UGGL-M1, HK 69A1; M 79 type ; STAR FN SCAR; M320; etc.; - Multy-shot Grenade Launchers:Arsenal MSGL, Milkor MGL, M32 MGL, etc.