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ROG-22 Rocket Fragmentation Grenade

ROG-22 Rocket Fragmentation Grenade Image
The ROG-22 rocket fragmentation grenade is an individual disposable weapon and is intended to defeat the enemy manpower located in the open, in trenches, in field - type shelters, stone, brick and concrete structures, light armoured and unarmoured vehicles or shelters. It destroys the targets by means of preformed fragments filled with powerful high explosive. The ROG-22 grenade can be carried both by paratroopers and parachute means as well. The recoilless effect is provided by the efflux of propellant gases.

ROG-22 Rocket Fragmentation Grenade

ROG-22 Rocket Fragmentation Grenade Image
The ROG-22 rocket fragmentation grenade is an individual disposable weapon and is intended to defeat the enemy manpower located in the open, in trenches, in field - type shelters, stone, brick and concrete structures, light armoured and unarmoured vehicles or shelters. It destroys the targets by means of preformed fragments filled with powerful high explosive. The ROG-22 grenade can be carried both by paratroopers and parachute means as well. The recoilless effect is provided by the efflux of propellant gases.